In our 2-year provision over the last couple of weeks we began doing activities around our theme ‘Why do you love me so much!

This is a lovely topic as it is around ‘All about me’.  Our adult led craft was doing self-portraits. The children really enjoyed looking at their faces in the mirror and using these images to create their very own portraits.  This helps children to learn about growing, similarities and differences, parts of the body and emotions. We have displayed some of these on our wall as they are amazing!

The stories we have been reading are ‘A little bit brave’ and ‘The Smeds and The Smoos.’ These stories link nicely to our children starting 2-year provision.  For some of them this may be the first time they have been away from home.   A little bit brave is about a rabbit who needs to be brave and explore. The Smeds and The Smoos is about making friends new friendships and also about mixing colours, so they children have enjoyed mixing different colour paints to see what new colour it makes

Our songs over the past couple of weeks have been “Sleeping, bunnies, Peter Rabbit, head, shoulders, knees and toes & Tractor song’ which all children have enjoyed and joined in with singing and doing the actions.

Whilst playing outside the children have been experimenting with different ways of moving and negotiating space with confidence by climbing, jumping, crawling and balancing over the planks and tyres.  They have also noticed the subtle changes in the environment, such as the leaves changing colour.  They have also enjoyed finding some insects/minibeasts in their natural habitats.