Religious Education
Here at Royd NI school Religious education is taught through discrete lessons that follow the agreed syllabus from the Sheffield LEA. RE teaching reflects the fact that the religious traditions of Great Britain are, in the main, Christianity, we also teach about Judaism and Islam which are the other principal religions represented in Great Britain.
RE is taught through a variety of trips to religious buildings, visits to schools with other predominant religions and visitors from other religious backgrounds coming in to school to talk about their beliefs. In school we have a variety of resources to support teaching including religious texts, posters, videos, CDs and artefacts.
RE is taught half termly in key stage one and through topics and calendar events in the foundation stage. RE is also touched on through assemblies where religious stories maybe told and prayers said. There is a weekly hymn singing session for the whole school and every child prays 5 times a week either in whole school assemblies or individually written classroom prayers.
The religious education programme at Royd Nursery Infant School aims to develop an awareness of the spiritual dimension of life, working towards an understanding of what it means to be religiously committed and a knowledge and understanding of Christianity and the other principal religions represented in Great Britain.
We teach understanding and acceptance of religious views of others as well as upholding the beliefs of the individuals in our school. Our children are encouraged to use their knowledge and understanding of RE to reflect on their own lives and create good morals and patience with others.