Parents In School

We welcome parents/carers in school to work alongside their child before school every morning.

If parents would like to help in school as a volunteer they will need to have a DBS check. Once this has been returned clear, then the parent/carer can begin to help in school.

Parents work in a variety of ways in school helping individual children or as a general classroom volunteer.

Please click on the link to open leaflet – parent volunteering

‘Stay & Play’

‘Stay & Play’

The children had a lovely morning where they were joined by their grown-ups for a stay and play.  The session was based around the children's current learning, including buildings, construction and repeating patterns.  There were a variety of activities for the...

Attendance Improvement Strategies

To improve attendance and to draw attention to children that coming to school is good, the following strategies are being used.

  • Spencer Bear going to the class with the best attendance of the week.
  • Certificates for classes with 100% attendance
  • Certificates for individual children who have 100% attendance for the term
  • End of year prize and certificate for children who have 100% attendance for the year.

For children with low attendance

  • Informal talks with parents to make them aware of the importance of attending school regularly
  • Letter sent if a child has attendance less than 80% during each half term
  • Involvement of EWO for families where the letters and talks have not worked

For authorised absence in term time

  • The parents must complete a request form
  • The request must comply with conditions agreed by all schools in the locality

The HT contacts parents on first day of absence when possible if parents have not notified school.