Nursery FS1

Welcome to Nursery, Foundation Stage 1

Mrs Musgrave

Mrs Musgrave

My name is Mrs Musgrave and I am a teacher in Nursery. In my spare time I love spending time with my family. I really enjoy taking my little boy to new places and seeing him experience new things. At school I have lots of fun singing with the children, creating wonderful crafts and exploring and investigating all the amazing areas in Nursery that let us use our imagination.


Mrs Bailey

Mrs Bailey

My name is Mrs Bailey, and I am a senior teaching assistant in Nursery. My favourite subject is music, and I have played in brass bands for 29 years. I also love to go running and cycling.

Miss Hosford

Miss Hosford

My name is Miss Hosford and I am one of the Senior Teaching Assistants in Nursery. I like playing outside and making dens with the children. At the weekend I enjoy going for long walks.

Mrs Traill

Mrs Traill

My name is Miss Traill and I am a midday supervisor in Nursery. During my free time, I enjoy walking and spending time with my family. I also like to follow the Sheffield Sharks Basketball Team.

MIss Cardwell

MIss Cardwell

My name is Miss Cardwell and I am a midday supervisor in Nursery. My favourite thing to do is spend time with my son and ride his quad. I also enjoy going on walks with my friends and all our children together.

Latest News for Nursery FS1

Creature Ark

Creature Ark

On Wednesday 3rd July, Nursery had a very special visitor! Mags from Creature Ark came in with her fabulous animals. We were lucky enough to have encounters with Monty the python, Timotina the tortoise, Matilda the giant african land snail, Blue the Lizard and...

Stay & Play June 2024

Stay & Play June 2024

Nursery hosted two stay and play sessions last week for parents and carers to attend with their children. The children had a fabulous time and enjoyed a range of activities linked to our topic "Which is the biggest dinosaur?" There were engaging activities linked to...

“Why do spiders eat flies?”

“Why do spiders eat flies?”

This half term Nursery has been focusing on the topic 'Why do spiders eat flies?'. We have learnt all about minibeasts and their habitats and plants. We have all really enjoyed planting our own sunflowers, making sure we gave them enough water and putting them...

Easter March 2024

Easter March 2024

Nursery children had an "eggcellent" time on Wednesday 27th March completing the ‘Best Decorated Egg’, and 'Easter Bonnet/Hat parade'. In addition to this the Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children also took part in an ‘Egg Rolling’ activity. It was fantastic to see...

World Book Day March 2024

World Book Day March 2024

Nursery celebrated world book day by focusing on the book 'The Great Goat Chase' the children enjoyed creating different animals linked to the story through a variety of crafts. Such as clay models, using paper plates to create goats and using a wide variety of...

Are eggs alive?

Are eggs alive?

In Nursery this half term we have been focusing on the topic 'Are Eggs Alive'. The children were fascinated from the moment the eggs arrived in Nursery to them hatching and handling their chicks. We have also learnt about the signs of Spring and animals on the farm....



Nursery enjoyed having the story teller come and visit us. She acted out lots of different stories with us. She used musical instruments and props to tell her tales. She even let us join in with acting out the story of 'The Enormous Turnip', which was very fun indeed!

Nursery ‘What is a shadow?’

Over the past two weeks, the children in Nursery have been exploring our new theme 'What is a shadow?'. Children have been listening to the story 'Don't wake up the bear' and have been using our small world area to act out the story using figures and masks. The...

Nursery’s Arts week

In Nursery the children have been immersed in our arts week. The theme around our arts week has been around the story ‘Snow Bear’ by Tony Mitton. Children have been given the choice to take part in various art activities within the provision setting. We have tried our...