Latest News/Events

“Royd’s Got Talent” Jan 2023

“Royd’s Got Talent” Jan 2023

Year 1 and Year 2 children have enjoyed an afternoon of celebrating children's talents in our 'Royd's Got Talent' show. Some children displayed amazing courage and bravery getting up on stage and we saw performances such as singing, gymnastics, dancing, telling jokes...

Music Workshop 30th January 2023

Music Workshop 30th January 2023

Key Stage 1 have really enjoyed their music workshop this afternoon, as part of their Beat Band Boogie topic!  As part of the workshop, pupils carried out warm up activities that involved following using body percussion. After that, the children were split into two...

RE Trip to Bolsterstone Church

RE Trip to Bolsterstone Church

On Thursday 26th January, some Year 1 and Year 2 children visited Bolsterstone Church as part of our RE topic based on religious symbols. The children loved exploring the church, finding different features and artefacts. The children also listened to Reverend Steve...

Special Assembly for Jackie Jan 2023

Special Assembly for Jackie Jan 2023

Royd Nursery Infant School were absolutely honoured to host a special assembly for Jackie to celebrate her being awarded a British Empire Medal. Jackie shared with the children her letter from King Charles III and the newspaper article that reported why she had...

Safety Week – Police Jan 2023

Last week children at Royd Nursery Infant School took part in safety week. As part of safety week, a police officer kindly visited Royd and spoke to our children about stranger danger. Following on from the police officers visit, children carried out stranger danger...

Safety Week – Online Safety Jan 2023

Safety Week – Online Safety Jan 2023

The internet is a superb tool to use when used safely. However, if not used properly it can be extremely dangerous. As part of safety week a member of the Online Safety Team for Sheffield supported the school in delivering a talk to our pupils. Whilst we encourage...

Stay and Play – 24.01.2023

Stay and Play – 24.01.2023

The children really enjoyed their stay and play where their relatives came into school to join in with different activities. The activities were based around the children's topic 'how does that building stay up?' and around the celebration of Chinese New Year....

Safety Week Nurse Jan 2023

Safety Week Nurse Jan 2023

As part of safety week a nurse visited Royd. Following on from the nurses visit we discussed with the children the importance of being able to dial 999 in the event of an emergency. Please spend time with your child showing them...

Safety Week – Crossing Jan 2023

Safety Week – Crossing Jan 2023

As we all know Jackie does a fabulous job of keeping our children safe when crossing the road. As part of safety week Jackie came into school to deliver a workshop for our children. There were a number of children that commented that they cross further down and don't...

Safety Week – Fireman Jan 2023

Safety Week – Fireman Jan 2023

Children at Royd are currently taking part in a 'safety week' where a range of people will be visiting school including the police, paramedics, lollipop lady and an online safety worker. This week a member of the fire service visited us. They told us that it was...

100% attendance for the Autumn Term 2022

100% attendance for the Autumn Term 2022

Well done children on achieving 100% attendance and punctuality in the Autumn term. Having high attendance has a vast amount of benefits. 78.7% of children that have 100% attendance go on to achieve 5+ GCSEs including English and Maths. Setting good attendance...

Christmas Cards for Belmont House Dec 2022

Christmas Cards for Belmont House Dec 2022

In Autumn 2 the children in Key Stage 1 have learnt all about 'Incarnation: the birth of Jesus” as part of Religious Education. They have explored the religion Christianity and learnt about the meaning behind Christmas. The children know that Christians believe...

Rock Steady Concert Dec 2022

Rock Steady Concert Dec 2022

On Thursday 15th December, some children participated in a 'Rock Steady' concert. The children have been rehearsing weekly and performed as part of a band. Within the band the children had the opportunity to either play the drums, guitar, keyboard or they took on the...

Christmas Play KS1 7 December 2022

Christmas Play KS1 7 December 2022

A huge thank you to all that attended the Key Stage 1 Christmas performance. It meant the world to the children that they could perform for you. We hope that you enjoyed the musical aspect combined with the story of the “Hoity Toity Angel” who always creates lots of...

Class 7 PE Dec 2022

Class 7 PE Dec 2022

This half term, class 7's indoor PE focus has been around 'dance'.  Through dance, children develop a greater range of movement whilst developing the ability to work within different spaces. They learn to interpret the effect their movement has on the world around...

Reception Magical Story Dec 2022

Reception Magical Story Dec 2022

In Reception we not only want our children to be confident and fluent readers, but to have a love for reading as well. We engage our children in reading in many different ways, including; phonics, shared read sessions where we focus on the same book for 2 weeks, daily...

Rainbow Room Dec 2022

Rainbow Room Dec 2022

In Rainbow Room we have been learning about 2D and 3D shapes. We have looked at their properties, made pictures using 2D shapes and built models with 3D shapes. We realised that shapes are everywhere so we decided to go around school on a hunt for 3D shapes. Here are ...

Why do Leaves go Crispy? Nov 2022

Why do Leaves go Crispy? Nov 2022

In our 2 year provision over the last few weeks we began doing activities around Autumn and our theme 'why do leaves go crispy'. The children have enjoyed doing various activities such as leaf printing which allows children to explore how printing works and gives them...

Switch Off Fortnight Nov 2022

Switch Off Fortnight Nov 2022

Royd Nursery Infant School have completed the annual ‘Switch Off Fortnight’ campaign and children across school have loved learning about saving energy! As a Green Flag, with distinction, Eco School, we understand the importance of promoting wastage and reducing our...

Why do Leaves go crispy?

Over the past couple of weeks in Nursery we have loved exploring our new topic 'Why do Leaves go crispy?". Our shared reading book has been called "Don't wake up the Bear" which the children have been so immersed in! They have loved wearing masks in our role play area...

Children in Need Nov 2022

Children in Need Nov 2022

A huge thank you to all parents / carers for supporting our Children in Need dress up day on Friday 18th November. Due to your generosity, the school raised £153.40 ! The money raised will make a difference to disadvantaged children and young people in communities...