Latest News/Events

FS2 Pirate Day May 2021

On Wednesday 26th May the children in FS1 enjoyed a pirate themed day relating to the ‘why is water wet?’ topic they had been learning about. The children looked fantastic in their pirate costumes! We had a great day where we learnt about pirates, how to talk like a...

Science Day!

Today Year 1 have taken part in Science Day! Children were encouraged to be inquisitive and ask lots of questions to solve investigations and problems. We have researched endangered animals and created a fact file to present to the rest of the class. The children were...

Science Day!

Today Year 1 have taken part in Science Day! Children were encouraged to be inquisitive and ask lots of questions to solve investigations and problems. We have researched endangered animals and created a fact file to present to the rest of the class. The children were...

FS2 Pirate Day!

On Wednesday 26th May the children in FS2 enjoyed a pirate themed day relating to the 'why is water wet?' topic they had been learning about. The children looked fantastic in their pirate costumes! We had a great day where we learnt about pirates and what they did,...

School Values – 11 June 2021

Being considerate As part of “Celebration Assembly” on a Friday school celebrate children’s achievements. Children are rewarded for their hard work and quality of their work through receiving the Reader, Writer and Mathematician of the week t-shirts that they wear...

Trip to the Glen

This afternoon, Year 1 children visited the Glen as part of science. We have been identifying different plants and trees by looking at their flowers and leaves. We marked this off on a sheet to show which ones we had found. We had an amazing time doing it!...

Science Glen Trip!

This afternoon, Year 1 children visited the Glen as part of science. We have been identifying different plants and trees by looking at their flowers and leaves. We marked this off on a sheet to show which ones we had found. We had an amazing time doing it!  ...

Bears of Sheffield May 2021

Yesterday Miss Jones took our Bear of Sheffield to meet his friends. The bears are all being collected this week ready to go out on display in July this year. We believe the school bears will be on display inside with an additional  trail of bears dotted around...

Year 2 visit to Bolsterstone Church

Today year 2 have visited Bolsterstone Church as part of our RE topic based on religious symbols. The children have loved exploring the church, finding different features and artefacts. The children also listened to Reverend Hilda explaining each feature and why they...

Easter Day March 2021

To celebrate Easter, the children enjoyed a range of activities. These included wearing their Easter bonnets down the cat walk and posing for a photo. The children also brought decorated eggs to school which were judged in a competition. In the afternoon, we walked...

Easter Activities

All of the children in FS2 had a lovely time celebrating Easter. We had an Easter bonnet parade where the children made some fantastic bonnets. Some of the children made some decorated eggs which we all enjoyed looking at. We went across to Deepcar St Johns to have an...

Easter Day

To celebrate Easter, the children enjoyed a range of activities. These included wearing their Easter bonnets down the cat walk and posing for a photo. The children also brought decorated eggs to school which were judged in a competition. In the afternoon, we walked...

Easter Day!

To celebrate Easter, the children enjoyed a range of activities. These included wearing their Easter bonnets down the cat walk and posing for a photo. The children also brought decorated eggs to school which were judged in a competition. In the afternoon, we walked...

Easter Day! 🐰🐣

To celebrate Easter, the children enjoyed a range of activities. These included wearing their Easter bonnets down the cat walk and posing for a photo. The children also brought decorated eggs to school which were judged in a competition. In the afternoon, we walked...

Bears of Sheffield March 2021

Children at Royd were presented with a small gift for sending in their entry for the Sheffield Bear. The children were thrilled to see where their design was going to be. They will be helping to paint the bear at a future date. We will keep you updated!! Thank you to...

Forest Schools – 26.03.2021

The children completed their last forest school session on Friday. They then made their very own woodland flags. The children used natural materials and mixed it together with water before then decorating their flags. They also played a game of hide and seek. The...

Forest Schools – 25.03.2021

As part of week three the children created Woodlands dens. They had to create a den that would keep a woodland creature warm, dry and safe. The children also used the stream and put water into their buckets and added as many different aspects of the woodland that they...

Forest Schools – 23.03.2021

As part of week two the children recapped safety aspects that were taught last week. In order to build the children's confidence, they also explored the Woodlands and then found their name cards that were hidden. The children then went on to have running races up the...

Forest Schools – 22.03.2021

Children were taught how to stay safe in the woodlands and spot potential hazards. They also looked at staying within certain boundaries. The children were given time to explore the woodlands and use their imagination. The teacher then hid name cards in the woodland...

Red Nose Day March 2021

A huge thank you for your donations made as part of Red Nose day on Friday 19th March. Royd raised £350.45. Your generous donations will enable Comic Relief to continue to make a difference to the lives of millions of people across the UK and around the world. For...

Multi-Skills Challenge March 2021

Key stage 1 have taken part in 10 multi-skills challenges. They have thoroughly enjoyed completing the different challenges and learning new skills such as passing a ball around their body and seeing how far they can jump from a standing position.   [gallery...

Eco Monitors March 2021

Our Eco monitors were very busy checking the bins in classrooms last week to ensure everyone in school is recycling effectively. DON'T FORGET there is still time for your child to enter The Great Busta bake competition! There are some DELICIOUS PRIZES up for grabs! A...