This half term in the 2-year provision our topic has been ‘How does that building stay up?’
The children have enjoyed accessing various activities around our provision such as building their own igloo using sugar cubes, carefully balancing them on top of each other.
In the construction area the children have used a variety of bricks to make a house, they particularly enjoyed making it very big then watching the bricks fall.
In the craft area we have made our own house, using different shapes for the different parts of the house then using glue to stick them together.
During the session we had the tent out where the children were pretending this was a house, running in and out.
Our shared read has been ‘The 3 little pigs’ the children have really enjoyed the story. We have talked about the houses made of straw, sticks and bricks and how strong they are. They children told us that they lived in a strong house made of bricks. The children have really enjoyed the story especially the part when the children huffed and they puffed to blow the house down.