Class 8

Welcome to Class 8

Miss Payne

Miss Payne

My name is Miss Payne and I am a teacher in Year 1 and Year 2. I really enjoy welcoming children into my class every morning and helping them learn new skills in every subject. In my spare time, I like to be walking or jogging in the outdoors, riding my Mum’s horses and skiing in the winter. I also enjoy watching live music and I love the excitement I feel when I listen to an amazing singer!

Miss Sheppard

Miss Sheppard

My name is Miss Sheppard and I am a teaching assistant in Year 1 and Year 2. My favourite subject is English because I enjoy reading fiction books and I love reading to the children. I also enjoy singing and dancing and going to the cinema to watch films.

Mrs Heathcote

Mrs Heathcote

My name is Mrs Heathcote and I am a teaching assistant in Year 1 and Year 2. During my free time I enjoy being creative doing drawing and painting. I also like to go on long walks with my short sausage dog.

Latest News for Class 8

Class 8 playing the xylophones!

Class 8 playing the xylophones!

This half term, children have begun learning familiar nursery rhymes on the xylophones which they will be performing to the Nursery children in a few weeks. Class 8 children have focussed incredibly hard and they have ensured they followed the rhythm of the song and...

World Book Day

World Book Day

Class 8 have had a fabulous World Book Day! The children came in a variety of amazing costumes and were excited to show each other who they had come as! This year we focused on the book 'Monkey Puzzle' by Julia Donaldson. After reading the story, we were joined by...

“Rio Di Vida”

“Rio Di Vida”

Last half term, the children in class 8 were learning a Samba dance routine as part of our Rio Di Vida topic. They have really enjoyed learning and mastering key moves such as the shimmy, carnival clap and the samba roll. [gallery size="full"...

“Learn a new skill”

“Learn a new skill”

Bonjour! Key Stage 1 held a ‘learn a new skill’ afternoon and invited parents / carers in to share this experience. The children completed three 30 minute stations consisting of French, sign language and skipping. Key Stage 1 children enjoyed learning the colours in...

Year 2 visit to Bolsterstone Church

Year 2 visit to Bolsterstone Church

Year 2 visited Bolsterstone Church as part of their RE topic based on religious symbols. The children have loved exploring the church, finding different features and artefacts. The children also found out about each feature and why they are important in a church. The...

Rio Da Vida Music Workshop

Rio Da Vida Music Workshop

Key Stage 1 have really enjoyed their music workshop this morning as part of their Rio Da Vida topic!  As part of the workshop, pupils carried out warm up activities that involved following using body percussion. After that, the children were split into two groups...

Victorian Classroom Class 8 Oct 2023

Victorian Classroom Class 8 Oct 2023

On 30th October, Class 8 visited the Victorian Classroom in Barnsley. Miss Sharp met us off the coach and we were quickly transported back in time to 1883! We had to dress up – flat caps and waistcoats for the boys and mop caps and pinafores for the girls. In 1883...