Class 8

Welcome to Class 8

Miss Payne

Miss Payne

My name is Miss Payne and I am a teacher in Year 1 and Year 2. I really enjoy welcoming children into my class every morning and helping them learn new skills in every subject. In my spare time, I like to be walking or jogging in the outdoors, riding my Mum’s horses and skiing in the winter. I also enjoy watching live music and I love the excitement I feel when I listen to an amazing singer!

Miss Sheppard

Miss Sheppard

My name is Miss Sheppard and I am a teaching assistant in Year 1 and Year 2. My favourite subject is English because I enjoy reading fiction books and I love reading to the children. I also enjoy singing and dancing and going to the cinema to watch films.

Mrs Heathcote

Mrs Heathcote

My name is Mrs Heathcote and I am a teaching assistant in Year 1 and Year 2. During my free time I enjoy being creative doing drawing and painting. I also like to go on long walks with my short sausage dog.

Latest News for Class 8

“Moon Zoom”

“Moon Zoom”

This half term, class 8 children have completed an investigation titled 'Which straw makes the rocket travel the furthest?'. As a class, we have discussed what an investigation is and used technical vocabulary such as 'variables'. It was important that we understood...

Science Day May 2024

Science Day May 2024

On Friday 17th May, parents/carers of children in Year 1 and Year 2 were invited into school for a fun-filled Science afternoon! The children completed a range of activities such as building towers using spaghetti and marshmallows, making lava lamps and creating rain...

“Save or Spend” May 2024

“Save or Spend” May 2024

Last half-term, children in Key Stage 1 took part in 'Save or Spend' whereby classes earnt money by working towards their targets. Year 1's target was to do good sitting and good listening. The children got a lot better at their targets throughout the course of the...

“Save or Spend” May 2024

“Save or Spend” May 2024

The children in Year 2 have worked really hard so far this year and staff thought the children deserved a treat. As part of save or spend, the children focused on doing good listening, lining up and demonstrating good learning behaviours throughout school. The...

Engineer competition May 2024

Engineer competition May 2024

If you were an engineer what would you do? KS1 children have taken part in an inspiring competition developed by a Primary Engineer STEM programme. Children were encouraged to imagine if they were an engineer, what problem would they most like to solve? Before this,...

Ladybirds – Class 8 May 2024

Ladybirds – Class 8 May 2024

This half term, class 8 children have been learning about mono printing and using clay in Art. Year 1 children have created ladybirds. They had to think carefully about how they rolled out the legs and attached them to the body using water. The Year 2 children created...

Easter 2024

Easter 2024

The children had an “eggciting” day taking part in a range of Easter activities including the ‘Best Decorated Egg’, ‘Egg Rolling’ and ‘Easter Bonnet/Hat parade’. It was “eggcellent” seeing the fantastic creations that both you are your child completed. Thank you for...