Class 2 Foundation Stage 2

Welcome to Class 2 Foundation Stage 2

Miss Brown

Miss Brown

My name is Miss Brown and I am a class teacher in Foundation Stage 2. I really enjoy baking and making treats for my friends and family. I also have 3 dogs called Tim, Ted and Ziggy who I love. At the weekend, I enjoy taking my dogs on walks to new places such as parks and reservoirs. I also enjoy exploring new technology and working on the computer where I can learn new skills and knowledge.

Miss Darbyshire

Miss Darbyshire

My name is Miss Darbyshire and I am a curriculum specialist in Foundation Stage 2. I have worked in early years for over 20 years and especially enjoy reading with the children. In my spare time, I love walking in the local area, going on holidays to warm places and reading. I also enjoy spending time with my two grown-up sons.

Mrs Staniland

Mrs Staniland

My name is Mrs Staniland and I am a teaching assistant in Reception.  I am also a Midday Supervisor for Class 2 Reception. In my spare time, I enjoy playing board games and reading books. I also love spending time with my family.

Latest News for Class 2

Piet Mondrian

Piet Mondrian

The children in class 2 have been learning about what an artist does.  The children came up with some fantastic ideas and said that artists 'are really good at painting', 'artists love to draw' and 'artists are really good at making different things'.  We talked about...

Arts week Nov 2023

Arts week Nov 2023

The children in Reception have had a brilliant arts week where they based all of their art activities on the story 'The Foggy Foggy Forest'.  Throughout the fortnight, the children have used different media and materials to create lots of fantastic artwork.  The...

Self Portraits Oct 2023

Self Portraits Oct 2023

The children in class 2 have had a fantastic time painting their self-portraits. All of the children have taken lots of care and paid attention to detail when creating their self-portraits. We looked in the mirror to see what colour our skin, hair and eyes are and...