100% attendance for the Autumn Term 2022

100% attendance for the Autumn Term 2022

Well done children on achieving 100% attendance and punctuality in the Autumn term. Having high attendance has a vast amount of benefits. 78.7% of children that have 100% attendance go on to achieve 5+ GCSEs including English and Maths. Setting good attendance...

Why do Leaves go crispy?

Over the past couple of weeks in Nursery we have loved exploring our new topic ‘Why do Leaves go crispy?”. Our shared reading book has been called “Don’t wake up the Bear” which the children have been so immersed in! They have loved...
Children in Need Nov 2022

Children in Need Nov 2022

A huge thank you to all parents / carers for supporting our Children in Need dress up day on Friday 18th November. Due to your generosity, the school raised £153.40 ! The money raised will make a difference to disadvantaged children and young people in communities...