Nursery’s Arts week

In Nursery the children have been immersed in our arts week. The theme around our arts week has been around the story ‘Snow Bear’ by Tony Mitton. Children have been given the choice to take part in various art activities within the provision setting. We have tried our...
Victorian Classroom Class 8 Oct 2023

Victorian Classroom Class 8 Oct 2023

On 30th October, Class 8 visited the Victorian Classroom in Barnsley. Miss Sharp met us off the coach and we were quickly transported back in time to 1883! We had to dress up – flat caps and waistcoats for the boys and mop caps and pinafores for the girls. In 1883...
Arts week – rainforests!

Arts week – rainforests!

Class 8’s focus during Arts week has been the rainforest. We have used a range of artistic techniques to create a variety of animals, trees and plants that you might find in the rainforest. Some cute and adorable, and others ginormous and scary! Throughout the...
“Bounce” Oct 2023

“Bounce” Oct 2023

Our topic this half-term is based around the theme ‘Bounce’. The children in Class 9 have loved exploring materials in their Science lessons. The children looked at different materials such as metal, wood, plastic and glass and found different items around...