Story teller

Story teller

The children in Reception enjoyed a visit from a storyteller. The children really enjoyed the session where stories were told through music, actions and singing. We took part in various stories but our favourite was ‘The Enormous Turnip’! We invited our...
Science Workshop May 2024

Science Workshop May 2024

On Friday 17th May, parents/carers of children in Year 1 and Year 2 were invited into school for a fun-filled Science afternoon! The children completed a range of activities such as building towers using spaghetti and marshmallows, making lava lamps and creating rain...
World Book Day

World Book Day

During World book week the children had a fun week in the 2-year provision. The children loved to come to school dressed up in their favourite costumes. The book we had chosen was ‘The three little pigs’. they loved this story, especially the part when the...
Easter 2024

Easter 2024

The children had an “eggciting” day taking part in a range of Easter activities including the ‘Best Decorated Egg’, ‘Egg Rolling’ and ‘Easter Bonnet/Hat parade’. It was “eggcellent” seeing the fantastic creations that both you are...
Are eggs alive?

Are eggs alive?

In Nursery this half term we have been focusing on the topic ‘Are Eggs Alive’. The children were fascinated from the moment the eggs arrived in Nursery to them hatching and handling their chicks. We have also learnt about the signs of Spring and animals on...


Nursery enjoyed having the story teller come and visit us. She acted out lots of different stories with us. She used musical instruments and props to tell her tales. She even let us join in with acting out the story of ‘The Enormous Turnip’, which was very...