Science Day May 2021

Year 2 had a fantastic time exploring all about science in our science day. The children were captivated from start to finish! We researched what a Marine Biologist was on the computers and found out some interesting facts! We also investigated what objects were...

Year 2 Science day!

Year 2 had a fantastic time exploring all about science in our science day. The children were captivated from start to finish! We researched what a Marine Biologist was on the computers and found out some interesting facts! We also investigated what objects were...

Science Day!

Today Year 1 have taken part in Science Day! Children were encouraged to be inquisitive and ask lots of questions to solve investigations and problems. We have researched endangered animals and created a fact file to present to the rest of the class. The children were...

Science Day!

Today Year 1 have taken part in Science Day! Children were encouraged to be inquisitive and ask lots of questions to solve investigations and problems. We have researched endangered animals and created a fact file to present to the rest of the class. The children were...

FS2 Pirate Day!

On Wednesday 26th May the children in FS2 enjoyed a pirate themed day relating to the ‘why is water wet?’ topic they had been learning about. The children looked fantastic in their pirate costumes! We had a great day where we learnt about pirates and what...

Trip to the Glen

This afternoon, Year 1 children visited the Glen as part of science. We have been identifying different plants and trees by looking at their flowers and leaves. We marked this off on a sheet to show which ones we had found. We had an amazing time doing it!...