“Why do spiders eat flies?”

“Why do spiders eat flies?”

Well, what a busy start to our term! Our topic is called ‘Why do spiders eat flies?’ . So far in our topic we have spoken about all the different minibeasts we might find in our gardens, we then enjoyed going outdoors and exploring the Foundation Stage...
“Why do spiders eat flies?”

“Why do spiders eat flies?”

The children in class 2 have had a busy start to this half-term!  Our topic is ‘why do spiders eat flies?’ and we have been learning all about different minibeasts.  We have painted repeating pattern caterpillars, made symmetrical patterns on butterfly...
Ladybirds – Class 8 May 2024

Ladybirds – Class 8 May 2024

This half term, class 8 children have been learning about mono printing and using clay in Art. Year 1 children have created ladybirds. They had to think carefully about how they rolled out the legs and attached them to the body using water. The Year 2 children created...
“Enchanted Woodland”

“Enchanted Woodland”

This half term, children in Class 9 have been learning about plants in Science. The children know that in order to survive, plants need light, water and heat. For one of our lessons, we used magnifying glasses to identify the different parts of a dandelion plant such...
Easter April 2024

Easter April 2024

The children had an “eggciting” day taking part in a range of Easter activities including the ‘Best Decorated Egg’, ‘Egg Rolling’ and ‘Easter Bonnet/Hat parade’. It was “eggcellent” seeing the fantastic creations that both you are your child completed. Thank you for...
Easter 2024

Easter 2024

The children had an “eggciting” day taking part in a range of Easter activities including the ‘Best Decorated Egg’, ‘Egg Rolling’ and ‘Easter Bonnet/Hat parade’. It was “eggcellent” seeing the fantastic creations that both you are your child completed. Thank you for...