“Save or Spend” May 2024

“Save or Spend” May 2024

Last half-term, children in Key Stage 1 took part in ‘Save or Spend’ whereby classes earnt money by working towards their targets. Year 1’s target was to do good sitting and good listening. The children got a lot better at their targets throughout...
“Save or Spend” May 2024

“Save or Spend” May 2024

The children in Year 2 have worked really hard so far this year and staff thought the children deserved a treat. As part of save or spend, the children focused on doing good listening, lining up and demonstrating good learning behaviours throughout school. The...
“Why do spiders eat flies?”

“Why do spiders eat flies?”

This half term Nursery has been focusing on the topic ‘Why do spiders eat flies?’. We have learnt all about minibeasts and their habitats and plants. We have all really enjoyed planting our own sunflowers, making sure we gave them enough water and putting...