“Rio Da Vida”

“Rio Da Vida”

Last half-term our topic was ‘Rio Da Vida’. In our Geography lessons we learnt about continents and countries. In this particular lesson we were learning about the United Kingdom. The children had a map of the UK, had to colour the countries in the correct...
“Learn a new skill”

“Learn a new skill”

Bonjour! Key Stage 1 held a ‘learn a new skill’ afternoon and invited parents / carers in to share this experience. The children completed three 30 minute stations consisting of French, sign language and skipping. Key Stage 1 children enjoyed learning the colours in...
Rio Da Vida Music Workshop

Rio Da Vida Music Workshop

Key Stage 1 have really enjoyed their music workshop this morning as part of their Rio Da Vida topic!  As part of the workshop, pupils carried out warm up activities that involved following using body percussion. After that, the children were split into two groups...
Memory Box – History

Memory Box – History

Our Topic this half term is ‘Memory Box’. In their History lessons, Class 9 have been exploring Victorian toys. They looked at how toys have changed from past to present and learnt the names of some key Victorian toys such as the Diabolo and the Cup and...
Arts Week – Under the Sea

Arts Week – Under the Sea

In Class 9, our focus for Arts Week has been Under the Sea! We have learnt many interesting facts about the animals which live under the sea and how they survive! On the first day, we created an ocean waves painting using sponges, paint brushes and our finger tips. We...