Class 9 PE lesson

Class 9 PE lesson

Class 9 have been learning about football in their PE lessons this half term. We have been focusing on dribbling and passing with the inside of their foot. Some children were challenged even further by passing with their non-dominant foot. All the children tried...
‘Towers, Tunnels and Turrets’

‘Towers, Tunnels and Turrets’

This half terms’ focus in topic is ‘Towers, Tunnels and Turrets’. In DT the year 1s and 2s have thoroughly enjoyed exploring joining techniques in preparation for creating their castle construction later on in the half term. The year 1s used an L...
Warwick Castle Nov 2024

Warwick Castle Nov 2024

The Year 1 and year 2 children have been learning all about castles this half term. The children therefore thoroughly enjoyed our trip to Warwick Castle this week where they could experience a life in a castle first-hand. We climbed up some spiral steps to get a...