Wonderdome Planetarium Visit!

Wonderdome Planetarium Visit!

As part of this half-term’s topic ‘Moon Zoom’, we invited Wonderdome Planetarium to visit and bring an exciting multimedia exploration of the solar system. The children loved learning about the planets and their surroundings. They especially enjoyed discovering about...
“Moon Zoom”

“Moon Zoom”

This half-term’s topic is ‘Moon Zoom’. As part of Design and Technology this half-term, children in Class 9 have been learning how to sew using a simple running stitch. The children have learnt some key vocabulary along the way such as ‘thread’ and...
Science Workshop May 2024

Science Workshop May 2024

On Friday 17th May, parents/carers of children in Year 1 and Year 2 were invited into school for a fun-filled Science afternoon! The children completed a range of activities such as building towers using spaghetti and marshmallows, making lava lamps and creating rain...
“Save or Spend” May 2024

“Save or Spend” May 2024

Last half-term, children in Key Stage 1 took part in ‘Save or Spend’ whereby classes earnt money by working towards their targets. Year 1’s target was to do good sitting and good listening. The children got a lot better at their targets throughout...