Breakfast Club and After-School Club

Breakfast Club and After-School Club costs

Breakfast Club 

7.00 am start               £9.00

7.30 am start               £7.00

8.00 am start               £5.00

After-School Club

3.30 pm – 4.00 pm       £5.00

3.30 pm – 5.00 pm        £9.00

3.30 pm – 6.00 pm        £13.00

There will be an additional £1 charge for bookings made with less than twenty-four hours’ notice.

A letter will be issued, with an agreement for parents/carers to sign, for the use of the Breakfast Club and After-School Club.  There is also a booking form for parents/carers to fill in to book places for the term.

Payment will be made online using a system called ‘Parent Pay’.  Both Royd Nursery Infant School and Deepcar St John Junior School have adopted this system for all school payments.

For all bookings, please fill in the booking form and return this to the school office or return via email to  If you need to make any short notice bookings during school hours, you will need to contact the school office.  The school office will then inform staff of the changes.

Please be aware that parents/carers must give four weeks’ notice for any cancellations to Breakfast Club and After-School Club.  Parents/carers will still be charged for any booked sessions that were cancelled with less than four weeks’ notice.  If your cancellation is school related, for example, you have booked a session but then a school trip has been organised, you will not be charged for a late cancellation.

Breakfast Club and After-School Club is being run in class six, which is the classroom opposite the hall.  This can be accessed from the top black gate on Carr Road.

During Breakfast Club, the staff will take the children into the dining room for a small breakfast at around 8:10 am.  If you are arriving at this time, you will need to press the doorbell at the side of the door to the hall, rather than arriving at class six.


The email address for Breakfast Club and After-School Club is  In case of emergencies, you can contact staff directly on the following mobile number between 7 am – 9 am and 3 pm – 6 pm – 07394223822.

Forms to download

Breakfast Club booking form SPRING 2025

Breakfast Club booking form – SUMMER TERM 2025

After School Club booking form SPRING 2025

After School Club booking form – SUMMER TERM 2025

Breakfast Club Policy 

After School Club Policy 




Breakfast Club and After-School Club