World Book Day

World Book Day

Class 7 had a fabulous World Book Day! The children came in a variety of amazing costumes and were excited to show each other who they had come as! This year we focused on the book ‘Monkey Puzzle’ by Julia Donaldson. After reading the story, we were joined...
Where does the snow go?

Where does the snow go?

In Spring 1 our topic was ‘where does the snow go?’ where the children in class 2 learnt all about winter, snowy places around the world and the animals that live in those snowy places.  We enjoyed looking at maps of the world and the globe to find where...
Where does the snow go?

Where does the snow go?

Last half term our topic was called ‘Where does the snow go?’ and it sparked lots of conversations with our children, especially when a ‘lost’ polar bear turned up in our classroom. The children’s mission was to get Percy the Polar Bear...
“Rio Da Vida”

“Rio Da Vida”

Last half-term our topic was ‘Rio Da Vida’. In our Geography lessons we learnt about continents and countries. In this particular lesson we were learning about the United Kingdom. The children had a map of the UK, had to colour the countries in the correct...
“Rio Di Vida”

“Rio Di Vida”

Last half term, the children in class 8 were learning a Samba dance routine as part of our Rio Di Vida topic. They have really enjoyed learning and mastering key moves such as the shimmy, carnival clap and the samba...