Practical Homework Y1 & Y2 May 2024

Practical Homework Y1 & Y2 May 2024

As part of Year 1 and Year 2’s homework, children can choose whether they want to complete the formal (written) task or the practical task within their homework pack each week. This is a perfect way to support individual children’s learning needs.  There...
Engineer competition May 2024

Engineer competition May 2024

If you were an engineer what would you do? KS1 children have taken part in an inspiring competition developed by a Primary Engineer STEM programme. Children were encouraged to imagine if they were an engineer, what problem would they most like to solve? Before this,...
“Why do spiders eat flies?”

“Why do spiders eat flies?”

This half term in the 2-year provision our topic has been ‘Why do spiders eat flies?’ The children have enjoyed accessing various activities around our provision such as, using tweezers to catch the spiders in the web, and then counting them.  Then matching the...
“Why do spiders eat flies?”

“Why do spiders eat flies?”

This half term Nursery has been focusing on the topic ‘Why do spiders eat flies?’. We have learnt all about minibeasts and their habitats and plants. We have all really enjoyed planting our own sunflowers, making sure we gave them enough water and putting...
“Why do spiders eat flies?”

“Why do spiders eat flies?”

Well, what a busy start to our term! Our topic is called ‘Why do spiders eat flies?’ . So far in our topic we have spoken about all the different minibeasts we might find in our gardens, we then enjoyed going outdoors and exploring the Foundation Stage...