Creature Ark

Creature Ark

On Wednesday 3rd July, Nursery had a very special visitor! Mags from Creature Ark came in with her fabulous animals. We were lucky enough to have encounters with Monty the python, Timotina the tortoise, Matilda the giant african land snail, Blue the Lizard and...
“Moon Zoom”

“Moon Zoom”

This half term, class 8 children have completed an investigation titled ‘Which straw makes the rocket travel the furthest?’. As a class, we have discussed what an investigation is and used technical vocabulary such as ‘variables’. It was...
“Moon Zoom”

“Moon Zoom”

Our topic this half term is Moon Zoom and the children in class 7 collected data as part of their Geography learning. We sat outside school patiently waiting and observing cars that came passed to see which colour was the most popular. We recorded our findings in a...
Science Day May 2024

Science Day May 2024

On Friday 17th May, parents/carers of children in Year 1 and Year 2 were invited into school for a fun-filled Science afternoon! The children completed a range of activities such as building towers using spaghetti and marshmallows, making lava lamps and creating rain...