by Georgina Terry | Nov 10, 2022 | Uncategorised
In Nursery it is always nice to have our grown ups inside especially when they get to stay and see all the wonderful things we do on a daily basis. This week we have been lucky enough to share our time, inviting parents in, to play alongside us. Our theme for...
by Georgina Terry | Jun 6, 2022 | Uncategorised
This week, the children at Royd Nursery Infants have celebrated the Platinum Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II. This year marks her 70 years of reign across the country. The children have celebrated in style with a royal tea party with their friends, enjoying snacks and...
by Georgina Terry | May 12, 2022 | Uncategorised
The children in nursery this week have taken part in magic Monday and Thursday. The children have explored the Easi-speak microphones learning some new skills including how to turn them on and off, record themselves and play back their recording. The children have...
by Georgina Terry | May 6, 2022 | Uncategorised
This week the children in Nursery have been having lots of fun learning a range of science based activities. They have learnt about Sea Pollution and the effects this has on wildlife. The children have been brilliant at recognising plastic objects which they found...
by Georgina Terry | Apr 25, 2022 | Uncategorised
The children had an “eggciting” day taking part in a range of Easter activities including the ‘Best Decorated Egg’, ‘Egg Rolling’ and ‘Easter Bonnet/Hat parade’. It was “eggcellent” seeing the fantastic creations that both you are...