Yorkshire Wildlife Park – 07.07.2021

On Wednesday 7th July the children from Reception went on a school trip to the Yorkshire Wildlife Park. We were so excited to visit and see all of the animals. We got to see giraffes, lions, tigers, lemurs, wallabies, polar bears, red pandas, ostriches, zebras, rhinos...

FS2 Pirate Day!

On Wednesday 26th May the children in FS2 enjoyed a pirate themed day relating to the ‘why is water wet?’ topic they had been learning about. The children looked fantastic in their pirate costumes! We had a great day where we learnt about pirates and what...

Easter Activities

All of the children in FS2 had a lovely time celebrating Easter. We had an Easter bonnet parade where the children made some fantastic bonnets. Some of the children made some decorated eggs which we all enjoyed looking at. We went across to Deepcar St Johns to have an...

Forest Schools – 26.03.2021

The children completed their last forest school session on Friday. They then made their very own woodland flags. The children used natural materials and mixed it together with water before then decorating their flags. They also played a game of hide and seek. The...