Last week children at Royd Nursery Infant School took part in safety week. As part of safety week, a police officer kindly visited Royd and spoke to our children about stranger danger. Following on from the police officers visit, children carried out stranger danger activities. So that the message is reinforced please speak to your child about who familiar people are to them (e.g. teachers and staff in school, family etc) and who a stranger is (someone they don’t know). Please speak to them about the importance of staying with an adult at all times so that they don’t get lost (e.g. walking next to their parents / carer when shopping). Please also speak to them about different scenarios such as if a stranger / car approached them then they shouldn’t stop and if they are continued to be followed then they need to shout “HELP” repeatedly as loud as possible. Other examples might be if they were to get lost in a shop then it is important that they stay inside the shop and don’t leave it and that they should approach someone in the uniform for help. When entering a shop please point out the uniform assigned to the shop so they know who to approach if needed.