At Royd we teach the children all about the importance of having healthy teeth. We start this learning with our youngest children in school, as we know and understand the benefits of looking after our teeth and this starts by looking after our baby teeth. Some of the benefits to our children include:
  • helping them to bite and chew
  • supporting speech and language development
  • help them feel confident when they smile
  • make space for and help to guide our adult teeth
We recently invited a local dentist in to visit our setting. He spoke to our children about getting into good oral routines and was able to show the children how to brush their teeth properly using his giant pretend mouth and toothbrush. He also spoke to the children about how often and for how long we should brush our teeth and about foods that are good or bad for our teeth. All the children enjoyed having our visitor and were each able to take home a tube of toothpaste and toothbrush so that they could get practising.
By supporting our children to form good oral health habits from an early age we hope that our children will be free from toothache, infection, swollen gums and cavities.
Happy Brushing!