We are incredibly proud of all our Nursery and Reception children! The children have worked so hard over the past few weeks to prepare for their ‘Nativity for Little Ones’ and what a performance they delivered! We had confident speakers, superb actors and...
A huge thank you to all that attended the Key Stage 1 Christmas performance. It meant the world to the children that they could perform for you. We hope that you enjoyed the musical aspect combined with the story of the “Hoity Toity Angel” who always creates lots of...
This half term, class 7’s indoor PE focus has been around ‘dance’. Through dance, children develop a greater range of movement whilst developing the ability to work within different spaces. They learn to interpret the effect their movement has on...
Hooray! The Christmas holidays are nearly here! If you’re looking for things to do during the hols and beyond, look no further than our winter passport activity newsletter! Find it here: https://bit.ly/SCUPassportActivityNewsletterChristmas22...
In Reception we not only want our children to be confident and fluent readers, but to have a love for reading as well. We engage our children in reading in many different ways, including; phonics, shared read sessions where we focus on the same book for 2 weeks, daily...